This is the reason we offer additional financial assistance along with the Kennedy Pledge scholarship program. Additional financial assistance is provided through reimbursements and tuition assistance that an employer might want to provide to its employees by paying their dues to the university.
Whether you are beginning a new career or making your way up the corporate ladder, a South America University education could increase your value in the workplace. Many employers will reimburse, in full or in part, working students who acquire advanced knowledge and training. For more information on employer reimbursement, check with your human resources department.
Employer third-party billing is only available as an option if the student provides the necessary tuition assistance documents prior to each term of enrollment. The tuition assistance documents must meet all standard requirements and will provide South America University with direct bill authorization. If your employment with an approved direct-bill company is terminated, you will be responsible for paying the tuition balance.
To know more details about our employer tuition assistance program get in touch with our representative now.