South America University not only offers professional education at a very competitive tuition fee structure but will also provide assistance in scoring a profound scholarship to further ease the attainment of your career goals. Several degree programs are available, we are sure one fits best on your requirements. At South America University, you shall succeed! Last year, we reported a 50% graduation rate for our bachelor’s degrees and that rate is going up as more students complete their programs each term. About 88% of our master’s students were employed in less than 4 months of graduation. Apply now for a professional degree program from South America University and pace up for a bright future ahead.

Below is the tuition fee for our degree diploma and certificate programs.

Program No.of Courses No.of Credits Eligibility Criteria Start Studying Apply now
Associate of
10 60 A- Levels, High
School Diploma
or Equiv,
$5700 Apply Now
Associate of
13 78 A- Levels, High
School Diploma
or Equiv,
$7400 Apply Now
Associate of
16 96 A- Levels, High
School Diploma
or Equiv,
$9120 Apply Now
Undergraduate Diploma 06 6 High school diploma,GED or equiv Education $3,420 Apply Now
Graduate Diploma 05 8 Bachelor’s degree, or equiv Education $5,700 Apply Now